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Get an Early Start on Spring Cleaning
Although the weather lately isn’t an indication that spring has arrived early this year, the team at Roof Plus, your go-to local roofing contractor, has been thinking about doing some spring cleaning. It’s not that the weather has been particularly bad by any means. In fact, weather in the 40s is okay by us, and even the snow hasn’t been too heavy lately.
Regardless of the mildness of the weather, it’s about this time of year that we all start to collectively yearn for spring. The fact that we’ll all soon be able to put away our winter coats and trade them in for hoodies or sweatshirts is a wonderful thing. There’s a whole lot to look forward in spring like spring training if you’re a fan of the Mets or the Yankees, flowers starting to bloom, and the light staying out just a little bit longer during the day. After all, as the great Robin Williams once said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’”
Indeed, spring is getting closer every day. So what can you do to get a jumpstart on cleaning? Keep reading to see our ideas.
3 Ways to Get a Headstart on Spring Cleaning
Pick Up Around the House
It’s a fact that people tend to hibernate a bit in the winter, and this is especially true now that it’s so easy to stream so much great content. After all, it’s hard to want to go outside when it’s freezing and you have a blanket, some food, and an entire season’s worth of Westworld to get caught up on. Needless to say, this can lead to the need to pick up your home a little bit.
Take advantage of the fact that you don’t want to go outside and start making the choice to get some things done inside. Whether that means painting the walls of your living room, fixing the creaky hinges on the front door, or rearranging the contents of your pantry, there’s no time like the present. Chances are that there are several things that have been accumulating in the to-do list you keep in the back of your mind. Our advice? Write them down and get started on crossing those things off as you go.
Start Decluttering
If you’re an American, there is a 1000% chance that you have some things laying around in your home that you just don’t want anymore. Whether it’s the sign that you hate that your well-meaning aunt got you because she knows you like home decor or it’s the breadmaker that your mother-in-law re-gifted you that you know you’ll never actually use, why not take this opportunity to gather them all together into one space?
Some of the items you want to get rid of could make you some money. If you’re feeling up to it, put those items on eBay or Craigslist. Separate everything else into piles for recycling, trash, and donation. Trust us when we say that you’ll feel better once you get rid of some of the stuff that’s just taking up space in your home.
Make Sure Your Home’s In Order
The exterior of your home is just as important as its interior, and the decent weather we’ve been having might be the perfect chance for you to inspect the outside of your home. Once it’s warm enough, head on outside and take a look around. What you’re looking for is any damage that the harsh winter weather may have caused. For example, take a look for signs that you’re roof is in need of repair. If you notice cracked shingles or curled pieces, you’ll want to call a roofing contractor (like us!).
You should also check for damage to your siding, problems with your gutters, and cracks in your windows. Thankfully, we can handle all of those things as well, seeing as how we’re specialists in siding repair and installation, gutter installation, and window installation. In short, if the winter has caused a problem with your home, it’s a good bet that we should be the first call you make.
Contact Us Today
No matter your situation, if you’ve found that early spring cleaning has led you to finding some issues with your house, contact us today to get the help you need.