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More Tips for Staying Safe on Your Roof This Winter
In our previous post, we highlighted a handful of ways for people to stay safe on their roofs as the decorate this holiday season. Those tips included choosing a nice day to start your work, using specialty items to hang your lights rather than nails which can cause damage, and coming up with a plan beforehand.
As roofing contractors, we’ve seen firsthand the work of people as they hang lights on their homes. Seeing as how one can never be too safe, we thought we’d share a few more suggestions for decorating the outside of your home and staying safe on your roof this winter. After all, you want your home to look great during the holidays, but it’s not worth doing if you might get hurt. Keep reading to see what else you can do to be safe while being festive.
3 More Suggestions for Exterior Holiday Decorating
Check Your Lights
There’s no feeling worse than hanging up what seems like a thousand feet of lights only to find that one strand just doesn’t turn on. Why not solve that problem before you even get to it? Testing your lights before you hang them ensures that you won’t run into this issue and it means that you don’t have to troubleshoot from your roof. Safety is key, and checking your lights beforehand can save you trouble in the long run.
Santa’s Little Helper
Although you may work best alone, the truth is that having a helper when you’re trying to hang lights can make all the difference in the world. He or she can tell you if you’ve attached the lights crookedly or if something looks off. They can also hand you tools (or supply you with coffee), making the whole project go that much faster.
Invest in a Good Timer
Ever had that sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize it’s 8:30 at night and you forgot to turn on the Christmas lights outside? It’s not a good feeling to have, and that’s why putting your lights on a timer is the way to go. This ensures that they always come on right when it gets dark outside and turn off automatically at a time of your choosing. After all, the only thing worse than realizing you forgot to turn your lights on is realizing that you didn’t turn them off (because no one wants to see the electric bill come January if that happens).
We’re Your Go-To Roofing Company
As we mentioned in our last post, if you notice a potential issue with your roof while you’re hanging your lights, don’t despair. Instead, simply give the team at Roof Plus a call! Whether it’s roof repair or roof replacement, you can count on us to get the job done the right way the first time around, saving you time and money.
We pride ourselves on offering our customers the long-term solutions they need to ensure that their homes are safe during the winter. Contact us today to get a free quote. We look forward to hearing from you!